All Sunday School Classes meet from 9:45am - 10:45am on Sunday mornings, unless otherwise noted.
Jessie Plyler Class
The Jessie Plyler Class meets in Bldg 3 (Dodd), Rm 30.
Studying our love for God, this class is taught by Dona Haney and is our most senior class.
Good News Class
The Good News SS Class meets in Bldg 4 (Fellowship Hall), Rm 42.
Studying the basics of Christianity.
Seekers Class
The Seekers Class meets in Bldg 4 (Fellowship Hall), Rm 44.
*This class is not currently meeting.
This class is taught by Mike Waller.
Foundations Class
The Foundations SS Class meets in the Fellowship Hall, Rm 43.
This class is taught by a variety of facilitators from the class. Contact for this class is Vann Walters.
Cultivating Disciples Class
The Cultivating Disciples Class meets in Bldg 2, Rm 22.
This class is studying What does it Mean to be Chosen? by Douglas Huffman