Our Mission.
Siler Presbyterian Church glorifies God by inviting all into a relationship with Jesus Christ, growing in faith, and serving Christ in the crossroads.
Our Vision.
After more than a century of ministry and mission, Siler Presbyterian Church has come to a crossroads. Throughout our history God has blessed this congregation with wonderful men and women who have left the imprint of Christ on this church and community. It is in honor of this admirable history and those faithful believers that we recommit ourselves to the future by finding and following the direction God has laid out for our church. Siler will continue to be more than a landmark on the corner. We will be a center of faith and activity in this community. Our hope is that everyone in western Union County will know who and where we are as well as what we do and believe. With this in mind we recommit ourselves to the Trinitarian God and His Church as we serve Him in this place envisioning the future for Siler.
We commit ourselves to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
We commit ourselves to be a place where believers grow and minister, and where the lost and the needy find a spirit of loving acceptance. We will become a beacon of God’s light, helping all find hope in the gospel through repentance and new life in Jesus Christ.
We commit ourselves to provide opportunities of learning and growth to become mature Christians transformed by the power of God. Through Bible studies, educational activities, and disciple-making, we will continually open our hearts to the Spirit of God and His purpose for us.
We commit ourselves to the church and passionate worship of the Living God.
We commit ourselves to invite all into a relationship with Jesus Christ, teaching them to walk in Christ and to develop meaning and purpose for their lives.
We commit ourselves to be a place where the community gathers and feels secure.
We commit ourselves to honor God with gifts of time, talent, and resources which He has entrusted to us, and to faithfully give as individuals and as a congregation. As faithful stewards we believe that all we have received is from the hand of God.
We commit ourselves to reach the world for Christ as we send and support many laborers into the harvest, as we fulfill the Great Commission.
We commit ourselves to interact with other churches in our area through joint ministry and worship.