Donation Needs + Current Volunteer Opportunities
Secret Pals
Secret Pals is a ministry of Siler that seeks to connect members with college students and military personnel. If you are a Siler Member that is interested in blessing a student or military member with gifts, notes, and prayers, please fill out the form linked below titled “Siler Member Sign Up Form.” If you are a student or member of the military that would like to receive gifts, notes, and prayers, please fill out the form labeled, ”Student & Military Sign up Form.” Completed forms can be emailed to Deborah Richter.
Food Ministry
Martha/Mary Committees
The Mary Committee will take care of congregational needs such as a new baby, illness, surgery, shut ins etc. The existing Martha Committee will continue to handle bereavement. If you hear of a need, contact Carol Sammarco (below) with the information. We also need teams that will rotate according to need, whether it be one time need or ongoing. Carol will coordinate with the team leader, and team members will decide which part of the meal they want to do and who can deliver, so that nobody prepares the whole meal by themselves.
Children’s Ministry
The children's ministry of Siler Presbyterian Church depends on its excellent volunteers (both youth and adult) to come alongside parents and help bring their children up in the discipleship and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). There is a place for all who love children as God does to serve— different ages (nursery-5th grade) different times (8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and evening programs), and different leadership levels (from observer, assistant to teacher).
Prayer Team + Ministry
Prayer Ministry
God invites us to spend special time with Him, to grow closer to Him and to experience a deeper relationship with Him. If you have prayer requests that you would like to share with us, there are many ways to get this information to us:
You can fill out the blue card in the pews on Sunday, and drop them in the offering plate.
Contact the Pastoral Deacons directly.
Our Sunday School classes also fill out prayer requests forms each week, and share Joys & Concerns among themselves and with a group of prayer warriors throughout the church.
Prayer Team
Chair - Sally Saggio
The Prayer Team is made up of 8 individuals who have a disciplined prayer life, prayer gifts, or a burden on their heart to pray with, and for, the congregation of Siler Presbyterian Church.
The Prayer Team is available to pray with you and for you during communion Sundays and after each service, in the church sanctuary. Every request is held in the strictest of confidence. The Prayer Team will also pray with you in your home, in the hospital, after fellowship meetings, Bible study, or committee meetings. Everyone on the Team considers it a privilege to lift your concerns up to our Lord in prayer.
Christian Education
Approves and suggests curriculums of study for children, youth, and adult discipleship.
Helps connect visitors and regular attenders to opportunities for discipleship, fellowship, and service.
Plans events to help individuals and families build relationships with others in the church.
Assists in overseeing church finances and putting together the annual budget.
Global Missions
Builds supporting partnerships with missionaries outside the U.S. and provides leadership for short-term mission trips.
Local Missions
Oversees church giving to local organizations and provides opportunities for individuals to engage in the community in helping serve the needs of others.
Assists with human resources, including annual staff reviews, hiring of new employees, setting policies, etc.
Collaborates with Sr. Pastor in planning special services, evaluating and making changes to worship, the scheduling/coordinating of Communion, etc.