Prayer Quilt Outreach
Siler Presbyterian Church is a member of Prayers & Squares, an interfaith outreach community that combines prayer with a gift of a hand-tied quilt. Each knot on the quilt represents a prayer offered for someone in special need. That person receives not just a quilt, but a symbol of faith in God, and in His power to comfort, strengthen and heal.
A dedicated and talented group of women in our church design and make lap quilts, with knots tied by the congregation after the two worship services, to give to the Siler community and their families and loved one's suffering with serious health issues, to remind them that they are constantly in our prayers.
If you are a part of the Siler family, select this link to the prayer quilt request form and it will be emailed to a member of the prayer quilt ministry.

Three Commandments of Prayers and Squares Quilt Ministry
"It is not about the quilt, it's all about the prayers." The purpose of the ministry is to promote an active prayer life among the participants, not just to make and give away quilts. We must strive to involve as many people as possible in our prayers efforts.
We must ASK before giving the gift of a prayer quilt; surprises are not appropriate. Ask the person if they will accept our gift of prayer. Ask what they would like us to pray for. Ask what information about their situation maybe shared with others.
Do not accept any form of payment for a prayer quilt. It is a gift of love and prayer which cannot be bought or sold. Those who request or receive prayer quilts must not be made to feel obligated to this ministry in any way.